Usually, standard tubs are built in with little tolerance and the only way to remove them is to remove the surrounding tile. Another way to deal with these tight tolerances is to saw the tub into half or at least create a section in the middle that can be removed to provide some relief for the tub to come out. Old porcelain tubs can be busted apart with a sledgehammer and then hauled off in pieces.
Tubs have their rim up under the tile so water can’t directly flow into the walls. This makes most tile surrounds not salvageable when the tub comes out. DIY bathtub refinishing becomes an option if the tile is to be saved. When it comes to bathtub refinishing you have the choice of professional refinishing or do-it-yourself refinishing kits.
Source: Does Removing a Bathtub Destroy the Tile?
A bathtub is the key element of every washroom. Contemporary market offers diversity of models that vary on dimensions, shape, material and some other parameters. Usually customers select the ones that match interior and personal demands. Moreover bathtubs should be convenient otherwise it will be impossible to relax after hard working day. For more info visit AZ Reglazing NYC